Git Repositories

The following is a list of all my public Git repositories. Everything you see here is published under some kind of free and open source license. I consider this the canonical source for the newest versions of all my open source software. A few repositories also remain as copies on my GitHub account because they have been referenced under those URLs in external publications, but please use the self-hosted repositories if you have the choice.

Project Description Last Change
AnimeDB Offline software for IMDB / GoodReads style bookkeeping of watched anime. 9 months ago
DailyRucks Daily Rucks is an ActivityPub bot account that posts one voice line from the 2011 game Bastion as an MP3 file each day. 3 months ago
Drop A self-contained upload form as a single PHP script that makes file uploads easy and convenient. 23 months ago
FediRoster FediRoster is a web application for hosting an opt-in public list of fediverse accounts. 9 months ago
Imgur-Album-Downloader This Firefox extension adds a download button to any Imgur album or gallery page for a quick zipped download. 23 months ago
jquery-readerbar ReaderBar is a jQuery plugin that aims to augment long HTML documents with a few navigational tools. 12 years ago
Kaleidoscribe Kaleidoscribe is a web-based alternative YouTube client that allows you to subscribe to channels and playlists without a Google/YouTube account. 8 days ago
makesite Modified static site/blog generator for my own use. 2 months ago
MiniHat A browser-based simulator of LED matrix displays. 21 months ago
MiniSurvey Compact web application to run small anonymous surveys. 21 months ago
Mosaic-Visual-Hash Mosaic Visual Hash is a hash visualization algorithm that deterministically produces images resembling stained glass. 23 months ago
Mystify A reinterpreation of the classic “Mystify” screensaver implemented in TypeScript. 19 months ago
neverball-fbiuhh Patch and example clients to make Neverball controllable via TCP. 11 years ago
No-Nonsense-Mobile-Reddit Mozilla Firefox extension that removes all the “see in app” ads from Reddit's mobile webpage and makes other minor simplifications. 4 years ago
PasswordShaker PasswordShaker is a deterministic password generator that derives passwords from the hostnames of the sites you visit. 3 months ago
Pinhole Pinhole is a tiny single-user Bluesky→ActivityPub one-way bridge. 9 months ago
RageButton A silly Firefox add-on that replaces all text on a webpage with incoherent screaming. 6 years ago
Skype-Exporter Skype Exporter is a script to export Skype user data from the software's SQLite files. 5 years ago
steam-card-inventory-valuation Small tool to read someone's Steam inventory contents, fetch Communiy Market values and make a table. 10 years ago
Steam-Removed-Game-Scanner A web application written in PHP that uses the Steam Web API to scan Steam profiles for ownership of removed games. 23 months ago
Streets4MPI A street traffic simulation example project for MPI-based parallel computing in Python. 12 years ago
TimberBot TimberBot is a chat bot written in Python that features a plugin-based architecture and is geared towards use on the platform. 2 months ago
ULP-ActivitySupport Service for adaptive pedestrian navigation support using smart urban objects that includes an interactive simulation. 18 months ago