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descriptionTimberBot is a chat bot written in Python that features a plugin-based architecture and is geared towards use on the Twitch.tv platform.
last changeWed, 24 Apr 2024 10:44:46 +0000 (12:44 +0200)
20 hours ago Julian FietkauAllow triggering an announcement immediately via command main
4 days ago Julian FietkauRemove errant browser demo code from announcements...
4 days ago Julian FietkauAdd priority announcements to announcements plugin...
4 days ago Julian FietkauFix crash bug in Twitch connector related to message...
4 days ago Julian FietkauRevamp announcements plugin to anchor times to midnight...
4 days ago Julian FietkauCommand parser no longer autoconverts values 0 and...
4 days ago Julian FietkauAdd sensible default for minimum in-between messages...
4 days ago Julian FietkauPlugin config getter handles non-string default values...
2024-03-23 Julian FietkauFix startup bug affecting Python versions older than 3.9
2024-03-13 Julian FietkauReplace old-school emoticons with emoji in a few differ...
2024-03-13 Julian FietkauStats plugin handles counts with a value of 1 better...
2024-03-13 Julian FietkauFix admin command help list to contain core admin commands
2024-03-12 Julian FietkauAdd config defaults where they were missing and might...
2024-03-12 Julian FietkauChange delimiter from dash to mid dot in help command...
2024-03-12 Julian FietkauOn requesting the command list, show admin commands...
2024-03-12 Julian FietkauAllow configuration of per-command help text in custom_...


TimberBot is a chat bot written in Python that features a plugin-based architecture and is geared towards use on the Twitch.tv platform.

This is a project that has grown and diminished slowly over the years. It started in 2014 as a small query-response bot for one specific Twitch channel, then grew to a flexible bot service framework spanning two handfuls of channels across Twitch, Hitbox, Picarto and Discord, before contracting back down to a simplified version that's reasonably easy to self-host for your own Twitch chat. If you are looking for a technical reason to choose this bot over competing products, there probably isn't any. I just want to publish the code I've written to allow people to reuse it. It never achieved the stability it needed to become a full-fledged service, but maybe it'll find its niche as a self-hostable open source project that's easy to extend. Use at your own risk.

Basic things you should know if you want to self-host TimberBot:

Project website: https://fietkau.software/timberbot


TimberBot requires a reasonably recent Python 3 along with the websocket-client package (not to be confused with websocket or websockets). More packages may be required depending on the plugins you choose to enable. It feels at home on Linux, but should be OS-agnostic (albeit untested).


From a fresh copy of the repository, you should be able to run timberbot.py through Python 3 to check whether your Python environment is supported. If you are missing any required packages, it'll tell you right away. If not, it will try (and fail) to connect to the Twitch chat from the example configuration. Whenever it hangs, it can be interrupted using Ctrl+C.

Connecting to Chat

To connect your bot to Twitch chat, you will need an OAuth access token. The process to create one is a bit of a pain in the rear. First you need to register your bot as a new Twitch app. Unless you coincidentally have a self-hosted Twitch app token generator ready to go, you can set the redirect URL to https://localhost:3000 as this tutorial recommends at the time of writing. Mainly you need to acquire your bot's Client ID before you can proceed. With the Client ID in hand, you can follow the second tutorial I just linked (the "for testing chat functionality" part) to acquire your OAuth token from your redirect URL. It will look like a long-ish random alphanumeric string. Whatever Twitch account you are logged into when you do this, that will be the Twitch account that the bot will appear as. If you want to register a custom Twitch account for it, you can, or you can just use your streamer account.

Next, edit config.ini in a text editor of your choice. In the [main] section, change nick to the name of the Twitch account you want to use for your bot. This must match the account that owns the OAuth token you just created. Change password to your OAuth token, keeping the oauth: prefix. Change channel to your Twitch channel name, i.e. the chat where you want the bot to appear, and admins to your own Twitch account name (and a space-separated list of other bot admins if desired). Everything else can be left as-is for now.

Now run timberbot.py again. If everything is correct, the bot should log in and appear in your chat. Any chat messages you type should appear in the Python window. You can use the "!about" command to test whether it can post messages of its own.

Enabling and Disabling Plugins

Note: Never edit config.ini while your bot is running. It will almost certainly overwrite your changes. TimberBot makes changes to the config file as needed while it is running and keeps an internal copy for that purpose.

You should be good to go to test some basic functionality now. Try putting !plugins in chat to get a list of plugins that are currently enabled as well as a list of the ones that are additionally available. Type !enable announcements to enable the announcements plugin. If you get any errors here, they should be investigated and fixed before you proceed.

You'll find that the current list matches the plugins entry in your config file. As you make changes to the configuration, you should see your config.ini file update itself. When the bot is not running, you can also edit the list of enabled plugins through the config file. Please note that the order may matter: some plugins depend on others, for example the stream_tracking plugin depends on the stream_platform_twitch one. If you want to make sure you enable them in a working order, you need to do it one by one through the chat interface, which will respond with an error message if something does not work.

What you do from here on is up to you. Most of the plugins are not documented, so your best bet is probably to experiment with whatever seems interesting, especially at the beginning when you have nothing to lose yet. Plugins should generally not be able crash the entire bot, even if you do something wrong.

Optional: Connect Your Bot to the Twitch API

So far your bot can interact with chat messages, but not much else. To access more Twitch integration functionality, such as follower alerts or stream game tracking, we're going to need to mess with more access tokens. If your bot is still running, shut it down for this.

In the default config.ini, there is a pre-populated section for the stream_platform_twitch plugin. Change channel to your channel name, client_id to your bot's Client ID from earlier, and client_secret to your bot's client secret. We have not needed that last one so far, but you can access it in the developer portal alongside the Client ID. As the website notes, you can generate a new secret whenever you want (invalidating any previous ones), but the website will only show it one time, so make sure to store it safely and never expose it to the public.

With the changes to the configuration made, start your bot and enable the stream_platform_twitch plugin. Watch the Python console window for any errors. If there are none, you should see some added configuration parameters in your config file afterwards. Your bot is now connected to the Twitch API and you can enable plugins like stream_tracking and stream_game.

Optional: Setting Your Bot up as a Linux System Service

Assuming you want to run your bot as a 24/7 service on a Linux server, my recommendation is to create a timberbot user that has its own home directory where you can install the bot's code.

Here's an example for a systemd service file that will make it run as a persistent service:


ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 -u /home/timberbot/timberbot.py


Place that into /etc/systemd/system/ as timberbot.service, run systemctl daemon-reload and systemctl enable timberbot.service (both as root) to make it run automatically at system startup.

If you want to reboot your bot automatically every 24 hours, for example at 2:10 in the morning, add the following line to your /etc/crontab:

10 2 * * * root service timberbot restart

Valuable Knowledge

This is a list of unsorted bits of information that seem worth knowing, but do not have a good place in the above introduction.


TimberBot (c) 2014-2022 Julian Fietkau

The bot itself consisting of all Python files in the root directory is using the GPLv3 (or later) license. The plugins inside their directory are all using the MIT license to make it easier to create derivative works.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See LICENSE-GPLv3 for details.