
Offline software for IMDB / GoodReads style bookkeeping of watched anime, loosely based on MyAnimeList. Additionally exports HTML copies of the watched list for self-hosting.


In an effort to get my personal data out of yet another third-party platform and run my own ship, I developed this application to replace my since-deleted MyAnimeList account. Since I watch a fair amount of anime, I wanted to continue to keep track of my progress and ratings for individual shows.


AnimeDB GUI screenshot

The local part of the application is written in Python and uses GTK 3 for its GUI. Its main purpose is to allow me to catalogue anime shows, movies etc. that I have watched or am planning to watch. Completed shows can be rated and tagged.

Compared to MAL, an interesting new addition that can be found here is the use of scalar tags: instead of tags being either present or not, each tag can be rated on an individual scale (I use a scale from 0 to 3), allowing for more fine-grained descriptions of how much each tag applies to each show.


AnimeDB website demo screenshot

Via the press of a button, the tool can export a static HTML view of the list which can then be hosted on any web server. My list is public and linked at the top of the page. The design is custom-made and fully responsive for different form factors. The list can be sorted by title, type, rating, or by any particular tag.